
Name Translation Part of Speech
-lχam- tell VB.RT
-sk'ulya coyote N
kwapt, kxwapt, (kχwapt sp?) then PART
-χ- do, make VB.RT
-k’áshkash child N
-ɢagílak, -qagílak woman N
-I- go, come VB.RT
aʔaʔ go to toilet to defecate. PART
aɢa now, at that time PART
áaana oh!, help! INTERJ
-’adau fond of, crazy about, favorite thing N
atsi younger sister! VOC
-gl-GA- catch, get, grab, seize, take hold of VB.ST
-GWI- take, carry VB.RT
-T-, -D- give VB.RT