
Document Target Text Target English Gloss Text Modern Speech
JPH36 (written) háprepúy ká¯yis/°e Shake off your pain! sacudete! tu dolor (acc.) haprepuy kaayise
JPH36 (written) kᯫn ká¯yis/° my pain mi dolor kan-kaayis
JPH36 (written) hú¯yuywas Go ahead of him! yo de digo a él que vaya adelante huuyuy-was
JPH36 (written) né¯ka Here I am. aqui estoy nii-ka
JPH36 (written) né¯me Here you are. aquí estás tu. nii-me
JPH36 (written) ráwík dance caller espichador. They talked in the bailes & por other times echando como sermon a la gente. rawik
JPH36 (written) rawiks/°pu S/he is pretending to give a speech. está hechando sermon no mas como jugando rawikkiSpu
JPH36 (written) trukkenin S/he ran. va corriendo Tokkenin
JPH36 (written) hóttronme You're going away. te vas yendo hoTTon-me
JPH36 (written) hottronmakke We're going. ahorita ya nos vamos hoTTon makke
JPH36 (written) ’itmay há¯san Get up, sorcerer woman! alevantate mujer itmay haasan
JPH36 (written) neh, neh here, here aquí esta, aquí está nii, nii
JPH36 (written) há¯ni kas Where do I ?? it? onde es? hanni-kas
JPH36 (written) wá¯k ’itmanu wak-tcí¯yase He lifts up his cane. wak itmanuwak-ciiyase
JPH36 (written) ká¯n tonnempin kan-’ínnuse I lost my way (road). I lost my way kantonnempinkan-innuse