
Form Source Language Translation
tapi8o LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois he gets up from lying down
tässämina Jacob Dunn Miami-Illinois plum
tat’sí Gatschet Miami-Illinois gizzard
tatac8akinama8atchi8a Largillier Miami-Illinois he has numbness in his finger tips, cannot extend his fingers, (cannot) hold something firm being so cold
tatakwanwi Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki yard, area around the summer house kept free of grass and litter
tatang8aki8i Largillier Miami-Illinois ‘place debarassee, champ net.’
tawansị Hockett (1938) Miami-Illinois stick, twig
tchälxkíki Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois it is dense thicket, underbrush
tchekir8oki LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois ils sont beaucoup
tchererita 8achit8ca LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois bel ouv. celui qui l a fait est habile
tchic8acat8i Largillier Miami-Illinois bois court
tchic8apicaki LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois ceinture courte
tchic8apicat8i Largillier Miami-Illinois ceinture, jartiere
tchic8apicat8i LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois cela est nou&eacute
tchic8apicat8i LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois cela est noué