
Form Source Language Translation
tchic8icaneta Largillier Miami-Illinois qui a les jambes courtes
tchíkandi Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois hoe, plow
tchiki8i Pinet Miami-Illinois dard
tchikihi Largillier Miami-Illinois lance, dard
tchirac8ten8i Largillier Miami-Illinois b[eaucou]p de fruits a l arbre
tchirire8i Largillier Miami-Illinois ‘grand feu, grande flamme’
tchiss8esi8a Largillier Miami-Illinois opiniastre, aheurté a son sentiment, malgré t̅t̅es les deffenses il dit fait toujours. it. il dit, repete toujours la mesme chose
tchitchic8aki8i Largillier Miami-Illinois terre ou l herbe est courte
tcĭlákĭwäwa Jacob Dunn Miami-Illinois he is proud, feels big
tekawi Voegelin (1938-1940) Shawnee a little bit
tekhaaka Voegelin (1938-40) Shawnee axe
teki·sew Bloomfield (1975) Menominee he is bashful, ashamed
teki·seʔtam Bloomfield (1975) Menominee he is ashamed of it
teki·seʔtawε·w Bloomfield (1975) Menominee he is ashamed of him
tekweeθi Voegelin 1938-1940 Shawnee he is ashamed