
Form Source Language Translation
wə̆lákšəy O'Meara 1996 Munsee guts, intestines, innards
wəyó·s O'Meara 1996 Munsee meat
wɛ·penɛw Bloomfield (1975) Menominee je le jette par terre a la lutte. je le remu
wɛ·penɛw Bloomfield (1975) Menominee he throws, swings, flings him
wăší·xay O'Meara 1996 Munsee nest
wi·či·so·me·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he has him as a fellow clan member
wi·čike·me·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he lives in the same camp or settlement as him
wi·čite·he·me·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he is with him in thought
wi·hkome·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he invites him to a feast
wi·hkwe·ne·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he carries him in a blanket
wi·htikow Wolvengrey (2001) Cree windigo
wi·kiya·pi Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki house, lodge, wickiup
wi·kopi Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki basswood inner bark
wi·kopihke·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he gathers basswood bark
wi·kowiwa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he is sleepy