camonkihsaa- (No-object Verb) Jump in the water

Basic Forms
Myaamia English
ceemonkihsaani I jump in the water
ceemonkihsaanki We (excl) jump in the water
ceemonkihsaayankwi We (incl) jump in the water
ceemonkihsaayani You jump in the water
ceemonkihsaayiikwi You (pl) jump in the water
ceemonkihsaaci He/she jumps in the water
ceemonkihsaawaaci They jump in the water

Command Forms
Myaamia English
camonkihsaalo You jump in the water!
camonkihsaako You (pl) jump in the water!
camonkihsaataawi Let's jump in the water!

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