apikamesam- (It verb) Warm up liquid, soup, broth

Basic Forms
Myaamia English
eepikamisamaani I warm up the liquid
eepikamisamaanki We (excl.) warm up the liquid
eepikamisamankwi We (incl.) warm up the liquid
eepikamisamani You warm up the liquid
eepikamisameekwi You (pl.) warm up the liquid
eepikamisanki He/she warms up the liquid
eepikamisamoowaaci They warm up the liquid

Command Forms
Myaamia English
apikamesanto You warm up the liquid!
apikamesamooko You (pl.) warm up the liquid!
apikamesantaawi Let's warm up the liquid!

Example Sentences
Myaamia English
apikamesanto nipoopi You warm up the soup!
nipoopi-nko kati apikamesamoolaani You want me to warm up the soup for you?

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