noohkapišiko- (No-object Verb) Softening the ground (disking)

Basic Forms
Myaamia English
noohkapišikwaani I am disking, softening the ground
noohkapišikwaanki We (excl.) are disking, softening the ground
noohkapišikoyankwi We (incl.) are disking, softening the ground
noohkapišikoyani You are disking, softening the ground
noohkapišikoyiikwi You (pl.) are disking, softening the ground
noohkapišikoki He / She is disking, softening the ground
noohkapišikowaaci They are disking, softening the ground

Command Forms
Myaamia English
noohkapišikolo You disk, soften the ground!
noohkapišikoko You (pl.) disk, soften the ground!
noohkapišikotaawi Let's disk, soften the ground!

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