melaam- (It verb) Smell it

Basic Forms
Myaamia English
meelaamaani I smell it
meelaamaanki We (excl) smell it
meelaamankwi We (incl) smell it
meelaamani You smell it
meelaameekwi You (pl) smell it
meelaanki He/she smells it
meelaamoowaaci They smell it

Command Forms
Myaamia English
milaanto You smell it!
milaamooko You (pl) smell it!
milaantaawi Let's smell it!

Example Sentences
Myaamia English
milaamani-nko? Do you smell it?
moohci, milaansiiwaani No, I don't smell it
milaamani-nko? iiniini milioni, iini maamilioni. kiikoo maamilioni meelaamaani...meeleemyaakwanki Do you smell it? That smell, the kind of smelly smell. A smelly smell that smells… smelly

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