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Gatschet (236) (written) yápiaki pl. (old male deer, bucks)
Gatschet (236) (written) kúwa old female deer (sg.)
Gatschet (236) (written) kuwáki pl. (old female deer, does)
Gatschet (236) (written) kun’hsá young female deer (sg.)
Gatschet (236) (written) kun’hsagî́ pl. (young female deer, does)
Gatschet (236) (written) yápia päwiwilä́xkatchi a deer sheds its horns
Gatschet (236) (written) yapiáki päwiwiläxkatchíki deer shed their horns
Gatschet (236) (written) kiäxkikwanítía pä’hkátĕki snow-drop flower; break-neck | flower. These flowers are hook shaped and are the first to appear through the snow.
Gatschet (236) (written) -aki pl. (snowdrop flowers)
Gatschet (236) (written) kiaxkikwáni to break the neck, men or animals
Gatschet (236) (written) kíxki to break, to wring off, as necks of chickens
Gatschet (236) (written) níla nkixkikwäná pilä́wa I break off, wring, a chicken's neck
Gatschet (236) (written) kiä́xkikwa⁐húlända to hang (as a person); lit. "to break the neck"
Gatschet (236) (written) napikuxkwäwí nekatikáža to lasso a horse, throw a rope around his neck
Gatschet (236) (written) níla napikuxkwäháka n(ekatikáža) I lasso a horse