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Michelson (written) pyāté if he comes
Michelson (written) pyāwāté if they come
Michelson (written) pyā‘kidtcé let him come (= Fox pot subj.)
Michelson (written) pyādtcé let him come (= Fox pyā́dtcé)
Michelson (written) pyā‘kāníⁿ you must have come (Fox pot. sub.)
Michelson (written) nimbī́la‘ I brought him
Michelson (written) pīläwáⁿ he brought him
Michelson (written) pī́läwa‘ chicken
Michelson (written) kutcimí ask him
Michelson (written) tᴀ‘cipíwa‘ he is coming this way (last said to be better by Finley)([is real Peoria. T.M.])
Michelson (written) niñgīji‘tṓ‘ I made it
Michelson (written) kä‘ci‘tṓka‘ he made it (participial)
Michelson (written) kī‘cí‘towa‘ he made it
Michelson (written) ‘īlịkútcⁱ‘ he was told
Michelson (written) ‘ịlịkútcⁱ‘ (gy [ck: or qy?])