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Gatschet (236) (written) kúkani spoon
Gatschet (236) (written) kukani spoon; made of horn or wood; of horn (buffalo) they outlasted anything
Gatschet (236) (written) aluatúi sport, fun made of somebody
Gatschet (236) (written) kietágikingi spot, dot made with ink etc.
Gatschet (236) (written) kíätakingwäki m. spotted --blue-- corn (red, blue, purple, white)
Gatschet (236) (written) katáki spotted (bark)
Gatschet (236) (written) kiatákithiá spotted (horse)
Michelson (written) kyätākisī́ta‘cīkā́nyaⁿ Spotted Bass (clan name)
Michelson (written) katákimᴀñgwa‘ Spotted Loon (clan name)
Dunn (OK) (written) cak-kwäk'-sia spotted sapsucker
Gatschet (236) (written) ketakissíta spotted with small spots or big spots
Gatschet (236) (written) kiäta kashakwäki spotted, speckled, refers to cloth only, as calico
Pinet (written) ketapita sp̅r̅ sedet
Gatschet (236) (written) ä’hkwilängwädshî́ spread (birds) or span of wings
Gatschet (236) (written) “wilänakiló”, ī́latch wíwal; “ähi tchingwepitchi káti níkana Wissakatchákwa Spread something out where my friend Wiihsakacaakwa can sit”, he told his wife spread out something!⎮he said to his bear-wife⎮where is he going to sit⎮my friend W/ Wilenaahkiilo”, iilaaci awiiwali, “eehi ciinkweepici kati niihkaana wiihsakacaakwa”.