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Michelson (written) wī′‛kwi‛sändyā`kⁱ‛ my co-wife (grammatical form?)
Michelson (written) wī′‛kwi‛sändyā`kⁱ‛ my co-husband (if two men marry the same woman [that is after she is divorced])
Michelson (written) ‘ākútiya‘ soft-shelled turtle soft-shelled turtle (Finley)
Michelson (written) wápÁmaⁿtaⁿ he looks at him he looks at him (part)
Michelson (written) kindī´ᵋiwaⁿ golden eagle eagle
Michelson (written) kya'takapakīńt [ck: not sure] striped bass
Largillier (written) Nit8capikinan I softly do something by hand to a stringlike object j attache foiblement, je lasche
Largillier (written) Nit8capinti s/he pulls the bowstring gently, touches it je n'en bande pas roide la corde
Largillier (written) Nit8caremig8si8a il n a ma dit mot, ne m a point querelé
Largillier (written) T8catesin8i immobile
Largillier (written) Nint8ki je remue
Largillier (written) Nit8kimig8si8a il ne m'a point querelé.
Largillier (written) t8pisisi8a il ne peut cuire ou bruler […]
Largillier (written) 8asseïachi8i metail poly, luysant
Largillier (written) pecachi8i metail poly, luysant