alaaminaa- (No-object Verb) Pray

Basic Forms
Myaamia English
eelaaminaani I am praying
eelaaminaanki We (excl.) are praying
eelaaminaayankwi We (incl.) are praying
eelaaminaayani You are praying
eelaaminaayiikwi You (pl.) are praying
eelaaminaaci He/she is praying
eelaaminaawaaci They are praying

Command Forms
Myaamia English
alaaminaalo You pray!
alaaminaako You (pl.) pray!
alaaminaataawi Let's pray!

Example Sentences
Myaamia English
tipeewe alaaminaanki It's good to pray (used to express the concept of 'religion')
awiinsoonimenki oohsima, akwihsima, neehi waahsee-manetoowa In the name of the father, son, and holy spirit

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