ašiihkiw- (Common noun) Earth, Land, Dirt, Soil

Basic Forms
Myaamia English
ašiihkiwi Earth, Land, Dirt, Soil

Example Sentences
Myaamia English
ašiihkiwi meemaani I bought some land
nintašiihkiomi kaakaathswi kweetaahkonaminki my farm/land is six acres
ašiihkiwi moohkiiki land emerging from water
eehkwi kati ašiihkiwi pimaamhkihsinki, alenia eehkwi mihtohseeniwici, kati nintaayaacimekooki noohsemaki, nintaayaalhsoohkaalikooki. As long as earth endures, and as long as man is alive, my grandchildren will talk about me, and tell stories about me.
ašiihkionkonci From the land

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