
Name Translation Part of Speech
t'v-xwii-t'i-dv-ne all the people Unkwn
t'v-xwii-dvn all the time, always quant
xvsh-xwii-t'i all those people Unkwn
t'v-xwi all, total quant
lhti' alot, very quant
da' already adv
dan' already adv
nn-li am, are, is adj
ch'vt-tv-ghe among brush, woods, forest etc. adj
k'ii-taa-dvn among the brush adj
k'ee-taa-ghi among the brush adj
lhut an itch [?] Unkwn
Xwesh-dvn an Upper Coquille village noun
nvn-chu and you Unkwn
suslh-'e Angelica noun