Entry Detail


Entry Type:  
Scientific Name:  
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Myaamia Name:  

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Myaamia Archival Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Archival Data Comments
Gonella, M. P. 2018-2022 No Reference Specified

Four Atriplex species are listed in Deams' Flora of Indiana (1940): spearscale (A. patula), triangle orache (A. hastata), red orache (A. rosea) and grassleaf orache (A. littoralis).   All four are introduced European species, although A. hastata may be native to North America. The species referenced in Bush 1996 is likely one of the first three, but probably not A. littoralis which has no record of occurrence in Myaamia lands.

Bush, L. L 1996 No Reference Specified

Charred remains of Atriplex sp. found at a Myaamia village site, dated 1795-1812.

Botanical Sources  
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