Entry Detail

pine tree

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Scientific Name:  
Common Name:  
pine tree
Myaamia Name:  

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Myaamia Archival Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Archival Data Comments
Kinietz, V. 1938 Use - Technology

Branches used as camoflage during attack. "Upon arriving near the Iroquois encampment the spies gave her [a Myaamia woman who lived in the village on the Great Miami, after the village having been attacked by the Iroquois, had a dream in which the Myaamia were to pursue the Iroquois, recover their imprisoned people and kill every one of their opponents. She organized the retaliation and since was considered a woman of great bravery] information of the fact, and she caused every one to pull a piece of spruce or pine from the trees, and with these before them they approached the camp. They fell suddenly upon the sleeping Iroquois and her prediction was literally fulfilled".

Anonymous 1724 Use - Medicinal

The bark of young pine trees was boiled to treat burns: "Boil the bark of the young pines for burns and for wounds" ("Faire bouiller de l'ecoise de jeunes pins pour la Brulure et pour les Playes").

The author is describing tribal customs from the upper Midwest, probably including some of the Miami-Illlinois tribal groups. – Michael Gonella
Anonymous 1724 Use - Medicinal

"The branches of young pines boiled for veneral diseases" ("Des Branches de jeune Pins bouiller pour les maux veneriens").

The author is describing tribal customs from the upper Midwest, probably including some of the Miami-Illlinois tribal groups. – Michael Gonella
Gonella, M.P 2003-2006 Use - Medicinal

Pine sap was spread on one's bottom to heal saddle soreness. Scott Shoemaker's great grandfather by marriage Camillus Bundy, taught Scott's grandfather, Frances Shoemaker, Phyllis Miley's father to ride horses and other wilderness skills while on horseback trips into the woods for a few days. His grandfather got a sore bottom once and his great grandfather told him to smear pine sap on it, and the soreness got better. His grandfather had said, "It made it [his bottom] sticky but it made it better".

Gonella, M.P 2003-2006 Use - Technology

Pine sap was good for starting fires.

Tippman, D. 1999 Use - Technology

Pine cones are used to make the house smell good. Jim Strack's wife, Mary Ellen, would prepare them by soaking them in something to bring the aroma out.

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900 Related Info

"pine tree, shing-gwah-kwah"

Gatschet, A.S. ca. 1895 Related Info

"nanahamizháxkwa", pine tree

Botanical Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Gleason, H.A. and Cronquist, A. 1991 Habitat 

A variety of pine species occur in various habitats, more common in the north portions of eastern Myaamia lands.

Related Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Coulter, S. 1932  

A concentrated distillation of pine sap, in small doses 0.5 gm can be used externally as an antiseptic dressing to help heal skin rashes, and is readily absorbed through the skin. Internally it acts as a stimulant, expectorant, diaphoretic, and antiseptic.

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900  

"nanáhamĭⁿjákwĭ, pine tree, implies without limbs"

Gatschet, A.S. ca. 1895  

Gatschet listed the Miami-Illinois term "sakíndäpwa" as the generic term for a bur, pine cone, or specific term for cocklebur.

Trowbridge, C. 1824-5  

"Pupaundeeōānee maazhāūhungk nauhenaumāzhauk, the lightning struck that pine"

Trowbridge, C. 1824-5  

"nauhenaumāzhauk, pine"

Pinet, P.F. 1696-circa 1700  

"nanimihinja, sapin",

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900  

Dunn listed the Myaamia term "sakĭ́ndäpwa" for cocklebur .