Entry Detail

fox grape

Entry Type:  
Scientific Name:  
Common Name:  
fox grape
Myaamia Name:  

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Myaamia Archival Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Archival Data Comments
Lamb, E.W., Shultz, L.W. 1964 No Reference Specified

Grapes were dried and used for boils and skin disorders.

Gravier, J. ca. 1700 No Reference Specified

"I pick grapes/I remove the skin from grapes".

Dunn, J.P. 1908 No Reference Specified

Grape vines were used to make fish weirs. Gabriel Godfroy said that the Miamis used not nets or seines for fishing, but used spears, bows and arrows instead, and sometimes used movable weirs made of "wattled brush" and grape vines when fishing in a party, with which they would force the fish to the shore.

Tippman, D. 1999 No Reference Specified

Wild grapes gathered and used:  "Made some beer . . . Not much luck with wine, though".

Gonella, M.P 2003-2006 No Reference Specified

Grapes gathered and used to make grape cobbler. "possum [coon] grapes were gathered growing up in trees for making grape cobbler, layered thick in a big rectangular pan".

Gonella, M.P 2003-2006 No Reference Specified

Grapes wild or domestic are used for grape dumplings by tribes in 8 Tribes area Miami, Oklahoma.

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900 No Reference Specified

"The fox grapes are as dark as Concord grapes, are sweet and grow east and west of Spring River, in Indian Territory.The Peorias call them asándäpákwi wawĭpĭngwakĭ".

Gatschet, A.S. ca. 1895 No Reference Specified

Wine grapes are called wäwipíngwaki axsandäpákwa

Bush, L. L 1996 No Reference Specified

Human charred remains of Vitis sp. were recovered from an excavation site at an early Myaamia village at the forks of the Wabash River (Fort Wayne), 1795-1812 (Ehler Site).

Bush L. L. 2003 No Reference Specified

Archaeological studies in central and south-central Indiana revealed that grapes were utilized as a food source by indigenous peoples sometime during the period of A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1450.

Botanical Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Gleason, H.A. and Cronquist, A. 1991 Habitat 

Occurs in woods, roadsides and thickets throughout eastern Myaamia lands.

Related Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Gatschet, A.S. ca. 1895  

"wäwipíngwaki axsandäpákwa, fox grapes".

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900  

"asándäpákwi wawĭpĭngwakĭ, fox grapes"