Entry Detail

butterfly milkweed

Entry Type:  
Scientific Name:  
Common Name:  
butterfly milkweed
Myaamia Name:  
Beech-Maple Forest, Oak Forest including Oak-Hickory, Beech-Oak-Maple Mixed Mesophytic

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Myaamia Archival Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Archival Data Comments
Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900 No Reference Specified

lä́mondä́sa, term for Asclepias tuberosa

Botanical Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Gleason, H.A. and Cronquist, A. 1991 Habitat 

Occurs in dry sand or gravel soil, also along streambanks, in eastern and western Myaamia lands.

Related Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Gonella, M.P 2003-2006  

The literal meaning of the Myaamia word for milkweed means puppy--possibly a name for the seedling of the dogbane plant that would have been very similar in look to young shoots of the food plant, common milkweed, but unlike common milkweed, this species was not eaten.

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900  

Shoots of the smaller species of Asclepias or dogbane were not eaten for food. "[We] used green shoots of milkweed - don't use small purplish stem with slim-sharp pointed leaves" [indicating A. speciosa or possibly Apocynum cannabinum].