Entry Detail

red haw, hawthorn

Entry Type:  
Scientific Name:  
Common Name:  
red haw, hawthorn
Myaamia Name:  
Deciduous Swamp no coniferous domts.

Media not available.
Myaamia Archival Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Archival Data Comments
Olds, J., Olds, D. and D. Tippman 1999 No Reference Specified

Berries gathered and eaten. "Oh my we liked redhaws".

Gonella, M.P 2003-2006 No Reference Specified

Redhaw fruits are eaten raw or made into jellies and pies.

Bush, L. L 1996 No Reference Specified

Human charred remains of Crataegus sp. found at a Myaamia Village site at the forks of the Wabash (Ft. Wayne), 1795-1812 (Ehler site).

Botanical Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Gonella, M.P 2003-2006 Description 

Crataegus spp. are most commonly called hawthorns, some are black, called black hawthorns, and some are red, called redhaws. Blackhaws are usually referring to Viburnum prunifolium, not Crataegus.

Gleason, H.A. and Cronquist, A. 1991 Habitat 

Most species in this genus are found in disturbed sites or seral communities in Myaamia lands, including oldfields, fencerows and thickets.

Related Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900  

"wawĭkápĭmĭnjákwĭ", "haw bush"