Entry Detail

American beech tree

Entry Type:  
Scientific Name:  
Common Name:  
American beech tree
Myaamia Name:  
Harvest Seasons:  
Beech-Maple Forest, Oak Forest including Oak-Hickory, Beech-Oak-Maple Mixed Mesophytic

Media not available.
Myaamia Archival Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Archival Data Comments
Bush, L. L 1996 No Reference Specified

Fresh beech nutshell and nutmeat material were recovered from a late prehistoric (1795-1812) Myaamia village site at the forks of the Wabash River (Fort Wayne, Ehler Site).

Botanical Sources  
No sources entered.
Related Sources  
Reference Source Reference Type Data Comments
Rafert, S. 1989  

"shashecomise, beech tree"

Dunn, J.P. ca. 1900  

"beech, sha-sha-com-mindj"