
Name Translation Part of Speech
wʉweni hanging up temp
wʉwʉsiyua ask for a breeze temp
wʉwʉsʉyukʉ̠ / wʉtsʉmʉkinʉ̠ wind quieting down temp
Wʉyaharʉ Raymond Weryavah (name) temp
wʉyakeetʉ̠ / wʉyakitʉ shaking rattles while singing, songs of youth temp
wʉyaketʉ rattle something temp
wʉyarʉ dragging something with a pole temp
wʉyumiʔipʉ̠ / wʉyumiʔitʉ̠ / wʉpʉ̠herʉ̠ flail, knock off (such as nuts from tree) temp
wʉyupaʔnitʉ̠ quiet down, calm down temp
wʉyʉrʉʉki / kuyaʔarʉ frighten, scare temp
wʉʔa penis temp
wʉʔaikutʉ̠ start something by rolling temp
wʉʔaikʉ wind something up temp
wʉʔaikʉtʉ̠ crank, row with oars temp
wʉʔani / huʔwane cut a tree down temp