
Name Translation Part of Speech
āpaehtawesew he, she, it (animate) is half-way there vai1
apāhkiwikān house built of rushes, reed house ni
apēmakat it sits vii
apēsehotāw he or she paints it black vti2
apēwa͞eway down feather na
apēwanāskaton something small shed by trees; pollen ni
apīsānahkwat there are black clouds in the sky vii
apīsanāqsiahkiw African American woman na
apīsīkan black ceremonial robe or blanket ni
āpotaew it thaws out vii
aqciahnaew he, she, it (animate) sneezes vai1
aqsetaenam he or she places, holds it close to something, to him or herself vti1
aqsetahkīskosow he, she, it (animate) is held down on the ground by foot, by some weighty object vai2
aqsetakīqtahtaw he or she sticks, pastes it onto something vti2
āqtihnetāw he or she leans it on something vti2