
Name Translation Part of Speech
pūnīwa͞enam he or she stops handling it so as to make noise, stops ringing it vti1
pūnīwa͞ekat it stops making noise vii
pūniahkam he or she stops dealing with, frequenting, using it vti1
pōnakanāhtam he or she stops beating it; he or she stops threshing it vti1
pōhpenamowaew he or she hands it to him, her, it (animate) through an opening vta
pītīwa͞eskam he or she steps noisily towards here vti1
pītikawetaqsow he or she hauls something vai2
pītanosow he or she comes smoking vai2
Pītahkamekūhkiw Land Projecting Hither Woman pers. name
pīhtikawekow he, she, it (animate) enters where someone is, where people are vai2
pīhkecīskaw it (animate) bursts vai1
pīckīmānamōctik purple cf
peskūqcikew he, she, it (animate) is short (his, her, its body) vai1
peskuapahtam he or she sees the last of it; he or she dies vti1
pesa͞eqtakana͞ew he, she, it (animate) has a joint or sinew vai1