
Name Translation Part of Speech
kesiahkaqtaw he or she makes it go fast vti2
sanākakēhtaw he or she puts a high price on it, charges too much for it vti2
āqtihnetāw he or she leans it on something vti2
aqsetakīqtahtaw he or she sticks, pastes it onto something vti2
otācehtaw he or she drags, hauls it; transports, conveys it in a wagon or sleigh vti2
pemāhkihnetāw he or she lays it lengthwise on something solid; he or she lays it (something solid) lengthwise vti2
kesītācehtaw he or she drags it quickly; he or she carts it quickly vti2
maehkīhotaw he or she paints it red vti2
matāpīhnetaw he or she gets it down to the water's edge vti2
apēsehotāw he or she paints it black vti2
mōsakapowēhtaw he or she makes it stand alone vti2
māwacēhnetaw he or she assembles, gathers it, them, brings them all together vti2
pemēkehtaw he or she rears it, makes it grow vti2
akuahnetaw he or she places it outside of something vti2
ma͞eqtawatāw he or she takes them all along with him or her, leads them all away vti2