
Form Source Language Translation
pene·siwa IG, pc Meskwaki 'species of large bird'
ngutukápwa Gatschet Miami-Illinois 'Stands Alone'; a personal name
sänkĭkwĭ Jacob Dunn Miami-Illinois 'stone bucket'
ä́ssänapikatwa Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois 'stone slinger'
näpĭkakĭkĭ Jacob Dunn Miami-Illinois 'swamp with standing water'
kitentaremi LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois 'ta part'
Vkepemanous Woods Massachusett 'the breastbone'
ninipatahagane Largillier Miami-Illinois 'the forked bone under the neck, or two bones
shoakwauwulaokāūnee Trowbridge Miami-Illinois 'the rolling game'
ina·hka·n- L. Thomason (p.c.) Meskwaki 'throw thither at'
ina·hkaw- L. Thomason (p.c.) Meskwaki 'throw thither to'
hooloo- Voegelin(n.d.) Shawnee 'to howl'
mamwə Welcher (no date) Potawatomi 'together, in total, of all'
keetohkwēē Trowbridge Miami-Illinois 'tree trunk'
maaleeōāseeta Trowbridge Miami-Illinois 'ugly'