
Form Source Language Translation
nacanac8a LeBoullenger Miami-Illinois 'un ho[mm]e de 38 a 40 ans'
ma8ichinagane Largillier Miami-Illinois 'une bande'
nokíngwäwi Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois 'unripe, green corn'
kĭndáhĭ Jacob Dunn Miami-Illinois 'up to a short time ago'
iko Nichols & Nyholm (1995) Ojibwe 'used to, formerly, it was the custom to&rsq
papang8a Largillier Miami-Illinois 'vide aves'
nam-bžəw Welcher (no date) Potawatomi 'water spirit'
nitesinaakoθipe Voegelin 1938 Shawnee 'we (excl.) look alike'
alōāmenee Trowbridge Miami-Illinois 'wheat'
näpkakíki Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois 'where it is always wet, where the water stay
näpkakíki Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois 'where it is always wet, where the water stays
ozaawegin Baraga (1853) Ojibwe 'yellow cloth or other yellow stuff'
winikólia Albert Gatschet Miami-Illinois 'yellow hammer'
bokšəgneyək Hockett Potawatomi 'yuccapans'
ch8ch8c8inaganeminjaki Largillier Miami-Illinois ‘arbres ou viennent les grains’