
Name Translation Part of Speech
waahtinam- sacrifice it, offer it v.tran.inan
moošinam- Sense it, perceive it v.tran.inan
moošihtoo- Sense it, suspect it, feel apprehensive about it v.tran.inan
apihšihtoo- Shorten it, reduce it, make it smaller v.tran.inan
pelakiitoo- Heal it v.tran.inan
nehtoo- Capture it, kill it v.tran.inan
alaamihšikaateekani- To hurt toe, stub toe v.tran.inan
melaam- Smell it v.tran.inan
oonsaawiminaapoohkii- make lemonade v.tran.inan
tahkonam- Hold it tight, hold it firm v.tran.inan
sakiinam- Hold it, grasp it v.tran.inan
kotaham- Measure it v.tran.inan
kociham- test it (?) v.tran.inan
mehtahkahtoo- Put it down, on the ground v.tran.inan
welaalaansam- Color it, make it a color v.tran.inan