
Name Translation Part of Speech
lhsrik red, it's red adj
lhshvn black, it is black adj
tl'u' grass, prairie, meadow, piece of something noun
chvn stick, twig, log, tree, snag noun
san-chvn acorn noun
Tr'ee-ghii-'aa-dvn Port Orford noun
Port Orford Tr'ee-ghii~-'a~ noun
Chit-taa-ghii~-li~ Chetco River noun
'En-may-xuu-che' Emily Creek near Mt. Emily noun
'En-may Mt. Emily noun
Xwe'-t'ee-lhsrik Goat Island (north of Brookings, OR) noun
See-lhch'an'-s'aa~-dvn Yellow Rock, OR (off coast at Hooskanaden Cr.) noun
Taa-ghii-li Lobster Creek, a tributary of the Rogue River noun
Che'-me'-dvn village on north side of Rogue River mouth, across from Gold Beach noun
Tal-dash-dvn Galice Creek, OR noun