
Name Translation Part of Speech
ch'aa-dilh-tr'v-ghe [??] kill a deer v.tran.impf
ch'aa-ghii-lii-dvn confluence noun
ch'aa-ghii-lii-dvn-dv-ne people from big village on confluence of Coquille river noun
ch'aa-lalh dream noun
ch'aa-nee-yu daa-wa-nn-cha old man with lots of facial hair Unkwn
ch'aa-neshlh-de' stab with knife v.tran.impf
ch'aa-svk, svk liver noun
ch'aa-t'ay~ leaf, feather noun
ch'aa-tay brush noun
ch'aa-telh-da bullets noun
ch'aa-tish going outside, leaving a building v.tran.impf
ch'aa-tvl-chas wave breaking, wave coming Unkwn
ch'aa-ye grandson (daughter's child) noun
ch'aa-yee-tr'e granddaughter, daughter's child noun
ch'aa-yish-chu cloudiness coming from the ocean Unkwn