
Form Source Language Translation
I get the grain out of the husks'
akota·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he hangs it
akotin Wolvengrey (2001) Cree it hangs
akwanaham Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he covers it up
ano·min Faries? (Swampy) Cree 'rolled oats'
ano·min Faries? (Swampy) Cree wheat&#039
ano·min Faries (1938) Cree rolled oats
apisa·sin Wolvengrey (2001) Cree it is small
asa·sow Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he is tattooed
astotin Wolvengrey (2001) Cree hat
ata·mihk Wolvengrey (2001) Cree beneath
ata·me·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he buys from him
aya·kwa·misiw Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he is careful
e·sa Wolvengrey (2001) Cree clam
iskwa·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he is so long