
Form Source Language Translation
miyome·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he speaks well of him
mo·naham Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he digs for it
na·tawe·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree Iroquois
niča·hkos Wolvengrey (2001) Cree my (woman's) female cross-cousin, sister-in-
niča·hkos Wolvengrey (2001) Cree my (woman&rsquo
niste·s Wolvengrey (2001) Cree my older brother
ohtawakaye·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he has ears
oskaniwiw Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he is bony
osoy Wolvengrey (2001) Cree his tail
otamihow Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he is busy
oyasta·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he arranges things, puts things in order
oyisam Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he cuts it to shape
oyo·yow Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he howls
pa·hpa·ste·w Wolvengrey (2001) Cree woodpecker
pa·kisiw Wolvengrey (2001) Cree he is swollen