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Halpern.009.008 (written) (ˀúyı), wí we
Halpern.009.008 (written) qáiqıt. went back
Halpern.009.008 (written) hɛ́qat what
Halpern.009.008 (written) cədɔ́wai when (I) look at
Halpern.009.008 (written) nú qat kɛ when he said
Halpern.009.008 (written) nɛχqat, when he threw
Halpern.009.008 (written) tícədɔqat when I look at you
Halpern.009.008 (written) [c'ímıṭ] when it happens
Halpern.009.008 (written) múχqadít[wi] will race
Halpern.009.008 (written) muχqadıt will race
Halpern.009.008 (written) bɛč with
Halpern.009.008 (written) títda q'ṭá|bɛṭ with his wife
Halpern.009.008 (written) you
Halpern.009.008 (written) má ˀaha you aren't
Halpern.009.008 (written) máˀaha you aren't