Place: Reserve

  • Place ID: R0240000
    Title: Rebecca Hackley Muncie Reserve
  • Parent Place ID: 1
    Source: N/A
    Acreage: 685.9080
  • State: Indiana
    County: Delaware
  • Royce Number: N/A
    Royce Map Title: N/A
  • Transcription:
    To Rebecca Hackley, a half-blooded Miami, one section of land, to be located at the Munsey town, on White river, so that it shall extend on both sides to include three hundred and twenty acres of the prairie, in the bend of the river, where the bend assumes the shape of a horse shoe.  

Legal Category:
  • Requires President Approval to Sell
    Start Date: 10-06-1818

  • N/A


1818 Treaty at St. Mary's

October 6, 1818

Articles of a treaty made and concluded, at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, Commissioners of the United States, and the Miame nation of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami nation of Indians cede to the United States the following tract of country: Beginning at the Wabash river, where the present Indian boundary line crosses the same, near the mouth of Raccoon creek; thence, up the Wabash river, to the reserve at its head, near Fort Wayne; ...

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