Person: Thomas Francis Richardville, Myaamia Name: Waapimaankwa
Nationality: Myaamia
Family Group: Richardville -
ID: 2399
Gender: MaleDate of Birth: Knw 04-23-1830
Location of Birth: N/ADate of Death: Knw 01-16-1911
Location of Death: N/A -
Waapimaankwa was the great-grandson of Akima Pinšiwa (Chief J. B. Richardville), the son of a man known as Pimicinwa or Crescent Richardville. Thomas was orphaned at a young age and grew up in Indiana. Though he was exempted from removal and did not make the trip to Kansas Territory in 1846, he rejoined his Myaamia community in the Spring of 1860. Chief Richardville had eight children by three wives. His oldest children were Francis, Rose Ann, Mary Louisa and Mary Jane, all of whom came from his first marriage to Angeline Goodboo. In 1866, he married Ruth Ozandiah and had a son Henry Moses. He later married Martonah (Mary Lindsey) and had three children: Catherine, Charles, and Hannah. Educated as a lawyer at Notre Dame, he became a valuable intermediary between the Miami Nation and the United States government. Though he was influential in leadership for many years prior, he first became Chief in 1888, after the relocation to Indian Territory. Chief Richardville's leadership was integral to the decision to remain a separate entity upon relocation, rather than consolidating membership with the Peoria Tribe as allowed under the 1867 Treaty.
Related Image
- Wa-pe-mon-qwa
- Thomas Richardville
Related Documents:
- Letter to A.P. Edgerton confirming the arrival of letter, 9 December 1852
- Letter from Secretary to Dept. of Interior, 13 January 1853
- Letter from Thomas F Richardville to the State of Indiana, 3 July 1851
- Typescript copy of Indenture between A-lin-ne-pen-she-saw (Joseph Richardville) and Allen Hamilton, undated
- Letter to B.F. Wade confirming Presidents approval, 24 January 1853
- Letter from John Roche to Allen County, Indiana, 2 July 1851
- Allotment cards for Thomas F. Richardville
- Letter to Francis Aveline from the Office of Indian Affairs, 7 November 1851
- Jos. Richardville and Black Loon- Brief, undated
- Letter to A.P. Edgerton approving deed, 24 January 1853
- Letter regarding the heir to Black Loon's land, 12 April 1852
- Letter from Allen Hamilton and copies of deeds and affidavits relating to Black Loon's land sale, 1851
- Letter to Allen Hamilton from the Office of Indian Affairs, 27 April 1852
- Thomas F. Richardville, 15 June 1885
- Letter to A.H.H. Stuart detailing sections of land given during the Treaty of 1818, 9 December 1852
- Letter from the Office of Indian Affairs, February 1852
Related Events:
April 23, 1830
1869 Allotments
May 4, 1869
1889 Allotment
March 2, 1889
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congressa ssembled, That the provisions of chapter One hundred and Nineteen of the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty seven, entitled "An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reservations,and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes," are hereby declared to extend to and are made app...
January 16, 1911