Person: Myaamia Name: Ah-tah-sah-shin-gah

  • Nationality: Myaamia
    Family Group: Shapp
  • ID: 2454
    Gender: Male
    Date of Birth: Year 1849
    Location of Birth: N/A
    Date of Death: Abt 1856
    Location of Death: N/A
  • Biography/Notes:

  • There are no aliases for this person/entity

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  • There are no documents for this person/entity

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Year 1849

1869 Allotment

March 3, 1859

March 3 1859 (11 Stat. 430): SEC 11. And be it further enacted, That in all cases where, by the terms of any Indian treaty in Kansas Territory, said Indians are entitled to separate selections of land, and to a patent therefore, under guards, restrictions, or conditions for their benefit, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to cause patents therefor to issue to such Indian or Indians, and their heirs, upon such conditions and limitation, and under such guards or restrictions as ma...


Abt 1856