Person: Myaamia Name: Cochkepoghtogh

  • Nationality: Myaamia
    Family Group:
  • ID: 338
    Gender: N/A
    Date of Birth: N/A
    Location of Birth: N/A
    Date of Death: N/A
    Location of Death: N/A
  • Biography/Notes:

  • There are no aliases for this person/entity

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1795 Treaty of Greenville

August 3, 1795

TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC., 1795. Aug. 3, 1795. | 7 Stat., 49. | Proclamation, Dec. 2, 1795. A treaty of peace between the United States of America and the Tribes of Indians, called the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanoes, Ottawas, Chipewas, Putawatimes, Miamis, Eel-river, Weea's, Kickapoos, Piankashaws, and Kaskaskias. To put an end to a destructive war, to settle all controversies, and to restore harmony and a friendly intercourse between the said United States, and Indian tribes; Anthony...