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Gatschet (236) (written) kílwa ka kímaki you will be chiefs
Gatschet (236) (written) kíla matchí kima you were chief
Gatschet (236) (written) kíla níshi shímatchi you told him
Trowbridge (written) Keetōleenwaa You tell the truth
Dunn (OK) (written) windamawi-an you tell me you tell me wiintamawiyani
Trowbridge (written) Keelohkēkeeyun You tell a lie
Gatschet (236) (written) kíma tchimweló You talk low!
Gatschet (236) (written) nawäkúthilú you take the lead with the bundle on the back
Dunn (OK) (written) "watolo" ilindj “Take some!” he was told. You take “Awatoolo!” iilinci.
Gatschet (236) (written) kila kimutean you steal and you stole
Gatschet (236) (written) kíla poalú you smoke (imperative!)
Gatschet (236) (written) kila kínäpa kî́laxka you sleep by yourself
Michelson (written) ālími pīlᴀtcⁱ‘ you sing. must bring him
Michelson (written) pīlᴀtcⁱ‘ you sing. brought them an.
Michelson (written) kipemwaⁿkiⁿ you shot them