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Dunn (OK) (written) nun-gi owaha piaiangi ici kate la-la-min-ä-o-langĭ mi-kí-ya-ni ki-kwĭs'-sa Jesus, Now we have come here to give thanks for the gift of your son Jesus, now, here⎮we come for⎮will⎮we give thanks (praise)⎮the gift (of) thy son Jesus Noonki oowaaha pyaayaanki, iši kati alalaamineeyolaanki[i], miikiyani[ii] kikwihsa Jesus.
LeBoullenger (written) n8nki chayepa8e this morning ce matin noonki šayiipaawe
LeBoullenger (written) esc8o n8nchitchi she nurses me, breastfeeds me il me tette encor noonšici
LeBoullenger (written) n8ntac8ntam8o he makes a noise with his mouth, plays a flute il joue de la fluste noontaahkwantanki
LeBoullenger (written) n8ntac8e8oki they shout, make a noise on Les entend noontaahkweeciki
LeBoullenger (written) n8tac8enakiro make yourself heard while singing! fais toi entendre en dansant chantant noontaahkweenaakiilo
LeBoullenger (written) ninonta I hear it je noontamaani
Largillier (written) nin8ntamag8a she nurses him for me elle donne a tetter a mon Enfant noontamawici
LeBoullenger (written) nontam8o he hears it il Ent. noontanki
LeBoullenger (written) nin8nta8a I hear him, understand him Je L entens noontawaki
LeBoullenger (written) nin8ntac8o he hears me, understands me il m entend noontawici
LeBoullenger (written) nin8nt8ric8o he hears me, understands me noontawici
LeBoullenger (written) kin8nta8i you hear me, understand me tu m entens noontawiyani
LeBoullenger (written) kin8nta8i mingo Do you hear me, understand me? m entens tu noontawiyani-nko
LeBoullenger (written) nironterichica8a par ma presence quand il me voit il s'en va noonteelišihkawaki