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LeBoullenger (written) ki8epini you throw me to the ground tu me jette weepiniyani
LeBoullenger (written) ki8epinere I throw you to the ground je te jette weepinelaani
LeBoullenger (written) ki8epinec8o he throws you il me jette weepinehki
LeBoullenger (written) ni8epina I throw him to the ground je l ai jette par terre weepinamaani
LeBoullenger (written) ni8ipisca I do something in a hurry, go in a hurry Je suis agile vas viste weepihkaani
LeBoullenger (written) 8ipitcharaking8eta qui a des rayes sur Les yeux weepicaalakiinkweeta
LeBoullenger (written) ni8intinama8oki I reconcile them, appease them je les ai acc. weentinamawakiki
LeBoullenger (written) ki8intire I name you je te nomme weentilaani
LeBoullenger (written) ki8intire I name you Je te nomme weentilaani
Dunn (OK) (written) win-da-ma-wit he tells me weentamawita
Dunn (OK) (written) win-da-ma-win-gi I am told weentamawinki
Michelson (written) wendámᴀwâka‘ I tell him about it I informed him, her (participial really: hence vowel change) weentamawaki
LeBoullenger (written) ni8intama8a I tell him about it, name someone/something belonging to him Je n. qq. qui lui appartient weentamawaki
LeBoullenger (written) ni8intan I name it, read it, describe it j appelle cela co[mm]e cela weentamaani
LeBoullenger (written) ni8inta I name it, call it, read it je le nomme weentamaani