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LeBoullenger (written) acansipacane pecan Longues akaansipakaani
Michelson (written) kᴀ‘kī́tiya‘ pelican pelican kahkiitia
Largillier (written) Caskite8a pelican chetoé oyseau de riviere.
Gatschet (236) (written) kgítia pelican; backlog in fire 10 backlog (for fire) 2) species of bird: kind of a swan, with gullet: pelican. low stature, along rivers
Gatschet (236) (written) [kgiti]aki pelicans, backlogs in fire pl. (backlogs for fires; pelicans)
LeBoullenger (written) nina8ikih8g8mina people are coming to quarrel with us, fight us on nous vient quereller neewiikihwiaminki
LeBoullenger (written) cha8e nehpianki people arrive here immediately on s y rend en un jour tout d un tems šaawe neehpyaanki
LeBoullenger (written) chaie p8nicatina people have (already) quit playing with each other on a quitte le jeu šaaye poonihkaatiinki
LeBoullenger (written) naritinan people invite each other (?) on s invite naalitiinki
LeBoullenger (written) kicantina people quarrel with each other, scold/berate each other on se querelle keehkaantiinki
LeBoullenger (written) p8nimikintina people quit gambling, playing on a quitte le jeu pooni-miihkintiinki
Largillier (written) p8nakina people stop playing lacrosse on cesse de joüer, crosser poonaahkiinki
LeBoullenger (written) p8nakina people stop playing lacrosse on a cesser de crosser jouer poonaahkiinki
Dunn (OK) (written) Mäng-ciaki people with big ears big ears—may be split (separated) ears meenkihšiaki
Dunn (OK) (written) Nähikwa mäningi mangicapoi ici ka pilakingi: People would drink the liquid medicine, to get well. one must drink liquid medicine that he may recover: Neehi-'hkwa meeninki mankiišaapowi, iši-'hka pilakiinki.