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LeBoullenger (written) kitanihi you defeat me je te cede tu me gagne
LeBoullenger (written) kinep8isecki you collect firewood slowly tu es Lent a faire du bois neepwihseehkiyani
LeBoullenger (written) niêpit8iampa you brought it to me there (?)
LeBoullenger (written) kikicami you berate me, scold me tu me q. keehkaamiyani
LeBoullenger (written) kipac8ona8is8 you are not unaware of me, you know of me ne me con[nais]
LeBoullenger (written) kitec8essis8 you are not ashamed, have no shame tu n as point de honte tikweesihsiiwani
LeBoullenger (written) ereni apir8ssa kihia8i you are like an child tu es coe un enfant
LeBoullenger (written) kichipante you are late, gone a long time tu as ete Longtems šeepanteeyani
LeBoullenger (written) Kichipante you are late, gone a long time tu as ete longtems absent šeepanteeyani
LeBoullenger (written) kikiang8i you are jealous (said of women) de muliere kyaankwiyani
LeBoullenger (written) kitar8asi you are in a good mood, a pleasant mood tu es bon tu ne te faches pas du mal qu on te fait eelwasiyani
LeBoullenger (written) kipekitehe you are good-hearted, a good person, friendly tu es un bon ho[mm]e peehkiteeheeyani
LeBoullenger (written) kinaitehe you are good hearted tu es fin neehiteeheeyani
LeBoullenger (written) kitchitchinag8si you are disagreeable, capable of evil tu as le coeur mauvais tu fais de mauvaises afaires ceešinaakosiyani
LeBoullenger (written) esc8o kise m8nchaki you are always saying "wait!" tu differes toujours “eehkwa” iilweeyani moošaki