
Document Target Text Target English Gloss Text Modern Speech
Dunn (OK) (written) za-pi-kwa ko-ki-mi-ko-ta-ka-ni spider web
Gatschet (236) (written) yuhakána pl. (long clubs)
Michelson (written) yṓna ‘ō ‘wináiyō- (5 time) peyote song [ck: lines 1-5 list alternate line endings (notes) for this]. "you will know why," corrupted–Quapaw
Gatschet (236) (written) Yon-ga-na-ke-sa-quah
Gatschet (236) (written) yíngwia face
Gatschet (236) (written) yingwemä́ face
Gatschet (236) (written) yingwämá pl. (faces)
Gatschet (236) (written) yil⁸xká mináwa (or: tchimináwa) mätáha more or less
Gatschet (236) (written) yi⁸lxkathá fastest (-tha applicable not on all adjectives)
Gatschet (236) (written) yí⁸lxka faster
Gatschet (236) (written) yi⁸lka kínung sípiwi the river gets deeper by the rise of the waters
Gatschet (236) (written) yi⁸lka íkûng únin sipi-u rutáki this river is deeper than the other
Gatschet (236) (written) yí⁸lka
Gatschet (236) (written) yayalánwi 5 (at a time)
Trowbridge (written) Yaupēnsau December December