Place: Allotment

  • Place ID: KS220
    Title: Kagert Pokagon allotment
  • Parent Place ID: 2
    Source: 11 Stat., 332
    Acreage: N/A
  • County: Miami
    State: Kansas
    Family Group: N/A
  • Allotment Number: 220
    Accession Number: KS4360__.058
    Document Type: STA

Legal Category:
  • Requires President Approval to Sell
    Start Date: 06-12-1858

  • N/A



1858 Allotment

July 12, 1858

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to such persons of MIami blood as have heretofore been excluded from the annuities of the tribe since the removal of the Miamies in eighteen hundred and forty-six, and since the treaty of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and whose names are not included in the supplement to said treaty, their proportion of the tribal annuities from which they have been excluded; and he is al...