Person: Miami Nation
Nationality: Myaamia
Family Group: -
ID: 327
Gender: N/ADate of Birth: N/A
Location of Birth: N/ADate of Death: N/A
Location of Death: N/A -
This "person" stands in for the Miami Nation in treaty events.
There are no aliases for this person/entity
Related Documents:
There are no documents for this person/entity
Related Places:
- 328: Mississinewa cession
- R1340000: Seek's Village Reserve
- R1270000: Beaver Reserve
- R1320000: Flat Belly Reserve
- R0270000: Little Charley Reserve
- R0280000: Lavonture's Daughter Reserve
- R0290000: Chapine Reserve
- R1330000: White Raccoon Reserve
- R0520000: Ten Sections Reserve, Forks of the Wabash
- R1350000: Mud Creek Reserve
- R1370000: Five Mile Reserve
- 300: Royce Area 11
- 301: Royce Area 12
- 319: Royce Area 26
- 302: Royce Area 13
- 303: Royce Area 14
- 304: Royce Area 15
- 305: Royce Area 16
- 306: Royce Area 17
- 307: Ouiatenon cession
- 308: Royce Area 18
- 309: Royce Area 19
- 310: Sandusky cession
- 311: Royce Area 20
- 312: Royce Area 21
- 313: Royce Area 22
- 314: Royce Area 23
- 317: Old Peoria Fort cession
- 318: Royce Area 25
- 315: Royce Area 24
- 316: Illinois River cession
- 320: Royce Area 27
- 321: Royce Area 47
- 322: Royce Area 56
- 323: Illinois Unceded Territory
- 324: Royce Area 71
- 325: Royce Area 72
- 326: Royce Area 73
- 327: Royce Area 99
- R1400000: Great Reserve
- R1310000: Eečipaankwaawisiipi Reserve
- 351: Royce Area 49
- R1420000: Six Mile Reserve
- R1390000: Ten Mile Reserve
- R1380000: Thorntown Reserve
- R1300000: Flat Rock Reserve
- R1390001: Ten Mile Reserve partial cession 1
- R1400001: Great Reserve partial cession, Royce Area 198
- R1400002: Great Reserve partial cession, Royce Area 251
- R1390002: Ten Mile Reserve partial cession 2
- KS001: James Aveline allotment
- KS002: Eelansita allotment
- KS003: Amanda Paschal allotment
- KS004: Mark Paschal allotment
- KS005: Ciinkweensa allotment
- KS006: No-mon-ge-quah allotment
- KS007: Pakankiihkwa allotment
- KS008: Sally Rogers allotment
- KS009: Ceenkohšinka allotment
- KS010: Maankohkwa allotment
- KS011: James Davis Bright allotment
- KS012: Mihšahkatohkwa allotment
- KS013: Sha-pa-son-gah allotment
- KS014: Aahsansamohkwa 014 allotment
- KS015: Elizabeth Baptiste allotment
- KS016: Margaret Davis Bright allotment
- KS017: Samuel F. Baptiste allotment
- KS018: Co-san-que-com-e-ah allotment
- KS019: Eli Geboe allotment
- KS020: Nkotikaapwa allotment
- KS021: Rosanne Go-to-kop-wah allotment
- KS022: Isaac Go-to-kop-wah allotment
- KS023: James Geboe allotment
- KS024: John Bourie allotment
- KS025: Rose Ann Bourie allotment
- KS026: Adeline Bourie allotment
- KS027: Snap Richardville allotment
- KS028: Richardville allotment
- KS029: Mary Richardville allotment
- KS030: Waahseehkanka 030 allotment
- KS031: Charles Snap Welsh allotment
- KS032: Aahsansamohkwa 032 allotment
- KS033: Eliza J. Stanley allotment
- KS034: Kiišikoonsa allotment
- KS035: Mihšahkatohkwa allotment
- KS036: Ke-pah-com-ah allotment
- KS037: Beaver Finley allotment
- KS038: John Godfroy allotment
- KS039: Godfroy allotment
- KS040: Mary Godfroy allotment
- KS041: Margaret Godfroy allotment
- KS042: James Kilsonsa allotment
- KS043: Nkotikaapwa allotment
- KS044: John Lum-Kilsonsa allotment
- KS045: Kiišikohkwa allotment
- KS046: Ke-pah-ka-ka-se-quah allotment
- KS047: Margaret Richardville allotment
- KS048: John Miller allotment
- KS049: Kiilhsoohkwa allotment
- KS050: Josephine allotment
- KS051: Little Doctor allotment
- KS052: Pankihšinohkwa allotment
- KS053: In-de-zhe-notah allotment
- KS054: Lah-pin-ze-quah allotment
- KS055: Louis1 Geboe allotment
- KS056: Mary Bundy allotment
- KS057: Peter Cabbage allotment
- KS058: Maankoonsa allotment
- KS059: James Cabbage allotment
- KS060: Brown Cabbage allotment
- KS061: Billy allotment
- KS063: Etienne Joseph Geboe allotment
- KS064: Adaline Geboe allotment
- KS065: Louis Geboe, Jr allotment
- KS066: Michael Geboe allotment
- KS067: Maxim Guion allotment
- KS068: Mary Geboe allotment
- KS069: Mary Pigeon allotment
- KS070: Jane Drake allotment
- KS071: Bigleg allotment
- KS072: Kapeenoohkwa allotment
- KS073: Neewanšimwa 073 allotment
- KS074: Joe Wea allotment
- KS075: Sarah Bigleg allotment
- KS076: Nah-we-ock-a-sah allotment
- KS077: Elizabeth Weakse allotment
- KS078: Wah-win-des-ke-ah allotment
- KS079: Naapihšinka allotment
- KS080: Cha-que-sa-ke-ah allotment
- KS081: Rose Ann Kishco Keah allotment
- KS082: Piitootamohkwa allotment
- KS083: French allotment
- KS084: Pe-nah-que-nom-e-quah allotment
- KS085: Toussaint Roubidoux allotment
- KS086: Pakantamwa allotment
- KS087: Peter Lafalier allotment
- KS088: Samuel Stanley allotment
- KS089: Waahseehkamoohkwa allotment
- KS090: Peter allotment
- KS091: Shom-ma-com-o-quah allotment
- KS092: Smith allotment
- KS093: Jim Squirrel allotment
- KS094: Pimweeyotamwa allotment
- KS095: Sally Honeywell allotment
- KS096: Little Baptiste allotment
- KS097: Eli Honeywell allotment
- KS098: Susan Washington allotment
- KS099: Louisa allotment
- KS100: Ruth Osandiah allotment
- KS101: Wah-che-ko-lo-quah allotment
- KS102: Šowaapinamwa allotment
- KS103: John Shapp, Sr allotment
- KS104: Mihšiiminaapowa allotment
- KS105: John Shapp allotment
- KS106: Neewanšimwa 106 allotment
- KS107: Šaapontohsia allotment
- KS108: Mary Masco allotment
- KS109: Nicholas Gouin allotment
- KS110: Sophie Bourdoux allotment
- KS111: Francis Bourdoux allotment
- KS112: John Pigeon allotment
- KS113: Sam Deleware allotment
- KS114: John Baptiste Bigleg allotment
- KS115: Nancy Bigleg allotment
- KS117: David Geboe allotment
- KS118: Simeon Geboe allotment
- KS119: Wah-on-e-cop-wah allotment
- KS120: Godfroy allotment
- KS121: Waapankihkwa allotment
- KS122: Waapimaankwa allotment
- KS123: Katakimaankoohkwa allotment
- KS124: Waapihšinka allotment
- KS125: Wildcat allotment
- KS126: Wah-pe-pe-ze-quah allotment
- KS127: Kilsonsa allotment
- KS128: Rose Ann Kilsonsa allotment
- KS129: Chin-Com-O-Quah allotment
- KS130: Alaamahkihkamwa allotment
- KS131: Nancy Davis allotment
- KS132: Susan Bigleg allotment
- KS133: Emma E. Hackley allotment
- KS134: Alice F. Hackley allotment
- KS135: John Roubidoux allotment
- KS136: Waapimaankohkwa allotment
- KS137: Thomas Miller allotment
- KS138: Nancy Beaver allotment
- KS139: Sally Scott allotment
- KS140: Seehkaahkohkwa allotment
- KS141: Elizabeth Valley allotment
- KS142: Lovely Valley allotment
- KS143: Louis Lafontaine allotment
- KS144: Mary Lafontaine allotment
- KS145: Esther Lafontaine allotment
- KS146: Louis Thomas Lafontaine allotment
- KS147: Margeret Louisa Roubidoux allotment
- KS148: John Osandiah allotment
- KS149: Josephine Wildcat allotment
- KS150: Osandiah allotment
- KS151: Louisa Osandiah allotment
- KS152: Martha Ann Hoggatt allotment
- KS153: Waahseehkanka 153 allotment
- KS154: Waahseehkamohkwa allotment
- KS155: Beaver allotment
- KS156: Wah-wah-ke-que-ah allotment
- KS157: Kin-Ge-Tah-Notah allotment
- KS158: Joseph Dick allotment
- KS159: Mary Ann Hackley allotment
- KS160: Mary Rogers allotment
- KS161: Elizabeth Owl-Revarre allotment
- KS162: James Mongosa allotment
- KS163: Louisa Minnie allotment
- KS164: Nancy Minnie allotment
- KS165: Lewis Minnie allotment
- KS166: Adeline Minnie allotment
- KS167: Israel Minnie allotment
- KS168: John Minnie allotment
- KS169: Joseph Minnie allotment
- KS170: Sarah Minnie allotment
- KS171: Charles Minnie allotment
- KS172: Martin van Buren Funk allotment
- KS173: William Frederick Funk allotment
- KS174: Maria Minnie Bowers allotment
- KS175: James Bowers allotment
- KS176: Maria Bowers, Jr. allotment
- KS177: Josetta Bowers allotment
- KS178: Frederick Minnie allotment
- KS179: Mary Minnie allotment
- KS180: Mary Louisa Harris allotment
- KS181: Anna Emma Harris allotment
- KS182: Amanda Harris allotment
- KS183: Adeline Harris allotment
- KS184: Joseph Harris allotment
- KS185: Charles Harris allotment
- KS186: Malinda Harris allotment
- KS187: John Harris allotment
- KS188: Angeline LaCroix allotment
- KS189: Adeline LaCroix allotment
- KS190: Frances LaCroix allotment
- KS191: Octavia LaCroix allotment
- KS192: Harriet LaCroix allotment
- KS193: Caroline LaCroix allotment
- KS194: Marcellus LaCroix allotment
- KS195: Frederick DeRome allotment
- KS196: Harriet DeRome allotment
- KS197: Maria Christiana DeRome allotment
- KS198: Mary Creditor allotment
- KS199: Charles Creditor allotment
- KS200: Edward Creditor allotment
- KS201: Octavia Creditor allotment
- KS202: Rosabelle DeRome allotment
- KS203: Frederick Thomas Davis allotment
- KS204: Adeline DeRome allotment
- KS205: Emma Doudrick allotment
- KS206: Solomon DeRome allotment
- KS207: Emily DeRome allotment
- KS208: Christina Therese Topash allotment
- KS209: Stephen Baptiste Topash allotment
- KS210: Madeline Topash allotment
- KS211: Joctah Topash allotment
- KS212: Francis Topash allotment
- KS213: Nancy Topash allotment
- KS214: Angeline Topash allotment
- KS215: Therese Elizabeth Cushwa allotment
- KS216: John Baptiste Cushwa allotment
- KS217: John Cushwa allotment
- KS218: Antoine Cushwa allotment
- KS219: Mihšiiweensa allotment
- KS220: Kagert Pokagon allotment
- KS221: Kattas Pokagon allotment
- KS222: Cah-Wah-Wee allotment
- KS223: Cha-Co-Sack allotment
- KS224: Pigeon allotment
- KS225: Junior Pigeon allotment
- KS062: Mo-se-tah Rogers allotment
- KS116: Chap-e-son-gah Labadie allotment
- KS226: Caw-cock-ke allotment
- KS227: Jackson allotment
- KS228: Nah-Ke-Shuck allotment
- KS229: Saw-Greh-Wa-Quah allotment
- KS230: Ko-a-she-was allotment
- KS231: Louis Hivon allotment
- KS232: Mary Louisa Hivon allotment
- KS233: James Hivon allotment
- KS234: Mary2 Hivon allotment
- KS235: James2 Hivon allotment
- KS236: Brutus Bourie allotment
- KS237: Mihšahkatwa allotment
- KS238: Susette allotment
- KS239: Pete allotment
- KS240: Charles Shapp allotment
- KS241: Mary Louisa Roubidoux allotment
- KS242: Sarah Ann Roubidoux allotment
- KS243: Ora Geboe allotment
- KS244: Anne Blystone allotment
- KS245: Richard Farrand allotment
- KS246: Oliver Farrand allotment
- KS247: Kiišikohkwa allotment
- KS248: Kish-e-no-quah allotment
- KS249: At-tah-sa-chick allotment
- KS250: Charles E. Geboe allotment
- KS251: Mrs. Sachem allotment
- KS252: John Baptiste Nkotikaapwa allotment
- KS253: Mrs. SilverHeels allotment
- KS254: Awansaapia allotment
- KS255: Mary Scott allotment
- KS256: Elizabeth Mead allotment
- KS257: Margaret Howard allotment
- KS258: Joseph Snapp allotment
- KS259: Joseph allotment
- KS260: Frank allotment
- KS261: Awaansaapia Meehcikinikia allotment
- KS262: Woodson Howard allotment
- KS263: Mary Louise Leonard allotment
- KS264: Mary B. Leonard allotment
- KS265: George Washington Leonard allotment
- KS266: Louis2 Geboe allotment
- KS267: Zachariah Geboe allotment
- KS268: Mary Geboe allotment
- KS269: Thomas Francis Richardville allotment
- KS270: Mary Louisa Richardville allotment
- KS271: Francis Richardville allotment
- KS272: Rose Anne Richardville allotment
- KS273: George Washington allotment
- KS274: Francis Washington allotment
- KS275: Eepinsahkwa allotment
- KS276: George D. Shapp allotment
- KS277: Sarah J. Dagnett allotment
- KS278: Sophia Howard allotment
- KS279: Mar-cha-in-no-quah allotment
- KS280: Ah-tah-sah-shin-gah allotment
- KS281: E-to-ke-sic Jr allotment
- KS282: Lindsey allotment
- KS283: Wah-sa-co-le-ah allotment
- KS284: Augustus Gouin allotment
- KS285: Mary Gouin allotment
- KS286: Agnes Frank Lafontaine allotment
- KS287: Kiilhsoohkwa allotment
- KS288: Sah-cock-wah allotment
- KS289: James Geboe Jr allotment
- KS290: Me-sha-cot-o-lo-quah allotment
- KS291: Luther allotment
- KS292: Waahseehkanka allotment
- KS293: Brutus Geboe allotment
- KS294: David Bourie allotment
- KS295: Naweekaapwa allotment
- KS296: Mihtohseenihkwa allotment
- KS297: Oonseentiihkwa allotment
- KS298: Non-dow-wap-sha allotment
- KS299: Lenipinšiihkwa allotment
- KS300: Eepinsahkwa allotment
- OK0010001: John Miller allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0010002: John Miller allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0020001: Esther Miller Dagenette allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0020001: Esther Miller Dagenette allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0030001: Lewis William Miller allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0030002: Lewis William Miller allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0040001: David Geboe allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0040002: David Geboe allotment (2 of 2)
- OK005: Mary Bridget Geboe allotment
- OK006: Minnie Mae Trinkle allotment
- OK007: Oscar LaFalier allotment
- OK008: Henry LaFalier allotment
- OK0090001: Mary "Necy" LaFalier allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0090002: Mary "Necy" LaFalier allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0100001: David LaFalier allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0100002: David LaFalier allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0110001: Jessie M. LaFalier allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0110002: Jessie M. LaFalier allotment (2 of 2)
- OK012: William Wayne Drake allotment
- OK0130001: Louisa Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0130002: Louisa Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK014: Josephine Fulkerson allotment
- OK015: Mary Louise Leonard allotment
- OK0160001: Jane Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0160002: Jane Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0170001: Mary Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0170002: Mary Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0180001: Josie Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0180002: Josie Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0190001: David H. Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0190002: David H. Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0200001: Edward Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0200002: Edward Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0210001: Sarah Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0210002: Sarah Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0220001: Milton Dyer Drake, Jr. allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0220002: Milton Dyer Drake, Jr. allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0230001: John Logan Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0230002: John Logan Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0240001: Thomas Sumner Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0240002: Thomas Sumner Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0250001: Martha Drake allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0250002: Martha Drake allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0260001: Mary Adeline Billington allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0260002: Mary Adeline Billington allotment (2 of 2)
- OK027: Theodore W. Dollar allotment
- OK027: Helen Mae Leonard allotment
- OK028: Silver "Luddie" Dollar allotment
- OK029: Addie G. Billington allotment
- OK030: Milton Howard Billington allotment
- OK031: Margaret Bright allotment
- OK032: John L. Bright allotment
- OK033: Flora Bright allotment
- OK034: Columbus Bright allotment
- OK0350001: George Washington Leonard allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0350002: George Washington Leonard allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0360001: Charles W. Leonard allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0360002: Charles W. Leonard allotment (2 of 2)
- OK038: Barbara Anna Leonard allotment
- OK0390001: Louisa Geboe allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0390002: Louisa Geboe allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0400001: Thomas Francis Richardville allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0400002: Thomas Francis Richardville allotment (2 of 2)
- OK041: Mary Richardville allotment
- OK042: Hannah Richardville allotment
- OK043: Catherine Richardville allotment
- OK044: Charles Woodson Richardville allotment
- OK0450001: Lizzie Palmer allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0450002: Lizzie Palmer allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0460001: Thomas Harley Palmer allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0460002: Thomas Harley Palmer allotment (2 of 2)
- OK047: Charles Snap Welch allotment
- OK048: Sophia Goodboo allotment
- OK049: Mary Buck allotment
- OK050: Frank, Jr. Buck allotment
- OK051: Susan Crawfish allotment
- OK0520001: Isadore Crawfish allotment (1 of 3)
- OK0520002: Isadore Crawfish allotment (2 of 3)
- OK0520003: Isadore Crawfish allotment (3 of 3)
- OK053: Peter Shapp allotment
- OK0540001: Lizzie Davis allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0540002: Lizzie Davis allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0550001: Susan Benjamin allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0550002: Susan Benjamin allotment (2 of 2)
- OK056: Isadora Labadie allotment
- OK057: Frank D. Aveline allotment
- OK0580001: Rose Ann Kishco allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0580002: Rose Ann Kishco allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0590001: Lizzie Mahiner allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0590002: Lizzie Mahiner allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0600001: Joseph Kishco allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0600002: Joseph Kishco allotment (2 of 2)
- OK0610001: Mary Louisa Pooler allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0610002: Mary Louisa Pooler allotment (2 of 2)
- OK062: Francis C. Pooler allotment
- OK063: Louis David Pooler allotment
- OK0640001: Rose Ann Demo allotment (1 of 2)
- OK0640002: Rose Ann Demo allotment (2 of 2)
- OK065: Charles Marcum Demo allotment
- OK066: Edward Gibson Harris allotment
- R1410000: Mihšiinkweemiša Reserve (Meshingomesia)
Related Events:
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1818 Treaty at St. Mary's
1826 Treaty at the Mississinewa
1834 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
1838 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
1809 Treaty at Fort Wayne
1803 Treaty at Fort Wayne
1805 Treaty at Grouseland
1828 Treaty at Wyandot Village
1858 Allotment
1854 Treaty at Washington
1869 Allotment
1889 Allotment
1795 Treaty of Greenville
August 3, 1795
TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC., 1795. Aug. 3, 1795. | 7 Stat., 49. | Proclamation, Dec. 2, 1795. A treaty of peace between the United States of America and the Tribes of Indians, called the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanoes, Ottawas, Chipewas, Putawatimes, Miamis, Eel-river, Weea's, Kickapoos, Piankashaws, and Kaskaskias. To put an end to a destructive war, to settle all controversies, and to restore harmony and a friendly intercourse between the said United States, and Indian tribes; Anthony...
1803 Treaty at Fort Wayne
June 7, 1803
Articles of a treaty between the United States of America, and the Delawares, Shawanoes, Putawatimies, Miamies, Eel River, Weeas, Kickapoos, Piankashaws, and Kaskaskias nations of Indians. ARTICLES of a treaty made at Fort Wayne on the Miami of the Lake, between William Henry Harrison, governor of the Indiana territory, superintendent of Indian affairs and commissioner plenipotentiary of the United States for concluding any treaty or treaties which may be found necessary with any of the Indi...
1805 Treaty at Grouseland
August 21, 1805
TREATY WITH THE DELAWARES, ETC., 1805. Aug. 21, 1805. | 7 Stat., 91. | Proclamation, Apr. 24. 1806. A treaty between the United States of America, and the tribes of Indians called the Delawares, Pottawatimies, Miames, Eel, River, and Weas. ARTICLES of a treaty made and entered into, at Grouseland, near Vincennes, in the Indiana territory, by and between William Henry Harrison, governor of said territory, superintendent of Indian affairs, and commissioner plenipotentiary of the United Stat...
1809 Treaty at Fort Wayne
September 30, 1809
A treaty between the United States of America, and the tribes of Indians called the Delawares, Putawatimies, Miamies and Eel River Miamies. JAMES MADISON, President of the United States, by William Henry Harrison, governor and commander-in-chief of the Indiana territory, superintendent of Indian affairs, and commissioner plenipotentiary of the United States for treating with the said Indian tribes, and the Sachems, Head men and Warriors of the Delaware, Putawatame, Miami and Eel River tribes ...
1818 Treaty at St. Mary's
October 6, 1818
Articles of a treaty made and concluded, at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, Commissioners of the United States, and the Miame nation of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami nation of Indians cede to the United States the following tract of country: Beginning at the Wabash river, where the present Indian boundary line crosses the same, near the mouth of Raccoon creek; thence, up the Wabash river, to the reserve at its head, near Fort Wayne; ...
1826 Treaty at the Mississinewa
October 23, 1826
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1826. Oct. 23, 1826. | 7 Stat., 300. | Proclamation, Jan. 24, 1827. Articles of a treaty made and concluded, near the mouth of the Mississinewa, upon the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, this twenty-third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, between Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Miami Tribe of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami Tr...
1828 Treaty at Wyandot Village
February 11, 1828
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1828. Feb. 11 1828. | 7 Stat., 309. | Proclamation, May 7, 1828. Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Wyandot village, near the Wabash in the State of Indiana between John Tipton, Commissioner for that purpose, on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs, Head Men and Warriors, of the Eel River, or Thorntown party of Miami Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Chiefs, Head Men, and Warriors of the Eel River or Thorntown party of Miami Indians, agree to cede, and ...
1834 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
October 23, 1834
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1834. Oct. 23, 1834. | 7 Stat., 458. | 7 Stat., 463. | Proclamation, Dec. 22, 1837. Articles of a treaty between the United States and the Miami tribe of Indians, concluded at the Forks of the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, on the 23d day of October, 1834, by and between William Marshall, commissioner of the United States, and the chiefs and warriors of said tribe. ARTICLE 1. The Miami tribe of Indians agree to cede to the United States the following described t...
1838 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
November 6, 1838
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1838. Nov. 6, 1838. | 7 Stat., 569. | Proclamation, Feb. 8, 1839. Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Forks of the Wabash in the State of Indiana, between the United States of America, by her Commissioner Abel C. Pepper, and the Miami tribe of Indians on the sixth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. ARTICLE 1. The Miami tribe of Indians hereby cede to the United States all that tract of land lying south of the Waba...
1854 Treaty at Washington
June 5, 1854
Treaty with The Miami. June 5, 1854 Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the city of Washington, this fifth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, between George W. Manypenny, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the following-named delegates representing the Miami tribe of Indians, viz: Nah-we-lan-quah, or Big Legs; Ma-cat-a-chin-quah, or Little Doctor; Lan-a-pin-cha, or Jack Hackley; So-ne-lan-gish-eah, or John Bowrie; and Wan-zop-e-ah; th...
1858 Allotment
July 12, 1858
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to such persons of MIami blood as have heretofore been excluded from the annuities of the tribe since the removal of the Miamies in eighteen hundred and forty-six, and since the treaty of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and whose names are not included in the supplement to said treaty, their proportion of the tribal annuities from which they have been excluded; and he is al...
1869 Allotment
March 3, 1859
March 3 1859 (11 Stat. 430): SEC 11. And be it further enacted, That in all cases where, by the terms of any Indian treaty in Kansas Territory, said Indians are entitled to separate selections of land, and to a patent therefore, under guards, restrictions, or conditions for their benefit, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to cause patents therefor to issue to such Indian or Indians, and their heirs, upon such conditions and limitation, and under such guards or restrictions as ma...
1889 Allotment
March 2, 1889
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congressa ssembled, That the provisions of chapter One hundred and Nineteen of the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty seven, entitled "An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reservations,and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes," are hereby declared to extend to and are made app...