Place: Reserve
Place ID: R1430000Title: Charles Gouin Reserve
State: IndianaCounty: N/A
Royce Number: N/ARoyce Map Title: N/A
Transcription:1826 Treaty: "A quarter section of land to each of the following persons, namely: Charles Gouin, Purri Gouin, and Therese Gouin, to be located under the direction of the President of the United States." 1834 Treaty: "There shall be granted to Hugh Hanna, one quarter section of land, in lieu of one selected and not approved on the grant made to Guire at the treaty of Wabash of 1826, (Hanna having purchased of Guire,) the selection to be made under the direction of the President of the United States."
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Requires President Approval to SellStart Date: 10-23-1826
Noted as located the NW fractional and S half of SW quarter, T31 R13E. This was apparently never surveyed, and our map indicates roughly the acreage and location intended.
1818 Treaty at St. Mary's
October 6, 1818
Articles of a treaty made and concluded, at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, Commissioners of the United States, and the Miame nation of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami nation of Indians cede to the United States the following tract of country: Beginning at the Wabash river, where the present Indian boundary line crosses the same, near the mouth of Raccoon creek; thence, up the Wabash river, to the reserve at its head, near Fort Wayne; ...
1826 Treaty at the Mississinewa
October 23, 1826
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1826. Oct. 23, 1826. | 7 Stat., 300. | Proclamation, Jan. 24, 1827. Articles of a treaty made and concluded, near the mouth of the Mississinewa, upon the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, this twenty-third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, between Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Miami Tribe of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami Tr...
1834 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
October 23, 1834
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1834. Oct. 23, 1834. | 7 Stat., 458. | 7 Stat., 463. | Proclamation, Dec. 22, 1837. Articles of a treaty between the United States and the Miami tribe of Indians, concluded at the Forks of the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, on the 23d day of October, 1834, by and between William Marshall, commissioner of the United States, and the chiefs and warriors of said tribe. ARTICLE 1. The Miami tribe of Indians agree to cede to the United States the following described t...
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