Person: Joseph, Junior Richardville, Myaamia Name: Lenipinšia
Nationality: Myaamia
Family Group: -
ID: 54
Gender: MaleDate of Birth: N/A
Location of Birth: N/ADate of Death: N/A
Location of Death: N/A -
- Black Joe
Related Documents:
- Letter to Brackenridge, 27 June 1846
- Copy of the Schedule of lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, 15 January 1828
- Letter from Madison Sweetser regarding the claim of Joseph Richardville Jr, 6 March 1854
- Letter from the Department of the Interior of Indian Affairs, 14 June 1860
- Extract of letter from Gen. Tipton enclosing a deed for Joseph Richardville, 3 January 1828
- Copy of Schedule of Lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, 23 October 1826
- Letter from Brackenridge, 15 June 1844
- Approval from a letter of the Courts, undated
- Letter regarding the identity of Joseph Richardville, Jr and lands granted to him during the Treaty of 1826., July 1851
- Letter to George W. Manypenny, 16 May 1853
- Affidavit accompanying an application for approval by the President of Conveyance from Coombs to Brackenridge, 2 January 1845
- Copy of documents, 6 March 1854
- Letter from McPherson to Brackenridge, 27 June 1846
- Letter from Commissioner to J Butterfield, 1 March 1851
- Affidavit of Robert Brackenridge, 20 June 1846
- Examination of the memorandum in regards to lands granted to Joseph Richardville and Joseph Richardville Jr., 6 February 1845
- Letter from the General Land Office to the Office of Indian Affairs, 10 April 1832
- Letter from Brackenridge to Col Medill, 27 June 1846
- Memorandum of M. Sweetser, undated
- Thomas F. Richardville, 15 June 1885
- Copy of Schedule of lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, 16 May 1853
- Letter from the Office of Indian Affairs, February 1852
- Copy of the Schedule referred to in 7th article of Miami Treaty of 1826, 15 January 1828
- Copy of Schedule of lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, undated
- Statement respecting deed from Richardville Jr to Brackenridge and Coombs, 23 January 1845
- Letter to George W. Manypenny, 4 March 1854
- Typescript copy of Indenture between A-lin-ne-pen-she-saw (Joseph Richardville) and Allen Hamilton, undated
- List of Requests left by Charles Sweetser, 26 February 1851
- Extract from the Schedule to the Miami Treaty of 1826, Department of State, 1853
- Refers to Letter of Char. Sweetser, 8 February 1845
- Land Indenture, Joseph Richardville, 28 August 1827
Related Events:
1818 Treaty at St. Mary's
October 6, 1818
Articles of a treaty made and concluded, at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, Commissioners of the United States, and the Miame nation of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami nation of Indians cede to the United States the following tract of country: Beginning at the Wabash river, where the present Indian boundary line crosses the same, near the mouth of Raccoon creek; thence, up the Wabash river, to the reserve at its head, near Fort Wayne; ...
1840 Richardville siblings to Hamilton
March 22, 1840
The reserve "was bequeathed by the will of the said Meshenaquah (alias Me she nae quah) now deceased to Nottawaquah the wife of John B. Richardville chief of the Miami Indians and the mother of the said Susan Maria Louisa and Katherine or Katese Ricahrdville & grandmother the said Joseph Richardvill who are the heirs at law of the said Notteqaquah"...