Person: Francis Godfroy, Myaamia Name: Palaanswa
Nationality: Myaamia
Family Group: -
ID: 94
Gender: MaleDate of Birth: Knw 03-07-1788
Location of Birth: KiihkayonkiDate of Death: Knw 05-01-1840
Location of Death: Peru -
Francis Godfroy was born in 1788, the son of Saakacaahkwa and Jacques Godfroy, a French merchant operating in Kiihkahyonki (what became Fort Wayne) and Detroit. Palaanswa's primary community was at the mouth of the Mississinewa River, where he established his family and trading contacts in the years after the War of 1812. His business and political acumen made him an influential akima, and he was elected a war chief in his later years. Known as a large man, images of Palaanswa indicate his somewhat genteel personal style. For a time, he seems to have spent time between his eastern reserve lands near the Ohio border and his more permanent home at Mount Pleasant near Peru, Indiana. He died in 1840 and is buried with family in the Godfroy Cemetery in Miami County, Indiana.
Related Image
Photo courtesy National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
- Francois Godfroy
- Palonzwah
Related Documents:
- Exemptions blog post by Diane Hunter
- Copy of Indenture between Francis Godfroy and the U.S, 29 October 1827
- Letter to Office of Indian Affairs from William Medill, 1 November 1848
- Letter from McKenney to Graham, 9 January 1828
- McKenney sends deeds from John B Richardville to the Office of Indian Affairs, 9 January 1828
- Case No. 42, Francois Godfroy, undated
- List of Papers pertaining to the case of Francis Godfroy, undated
- Certificate of O.D.F. Grant confirming payment, 1 November 1848
- Copy of Schedule of lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, 16 May 1853
- Copy of Schedule of lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, undated
- Copy of a letter to Senator James Noble, 3 March 1825
- Copy of Schedule of Lands granted by the Treaty of St. Mary's in 1818, 23 October 1826
- Copy of the 1826 Treaty land Schedule, 9 January 1828
Related Places:
- R0110000: Godfroy Petite Prairie Reserve
- R0420000: Francis Godfroy Reserve 042
- 328: Mississinewa cession
- R0150000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #12
- R0530000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #15
- R0540000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #4
- R0550000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #3
- R0600000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #50
- R1400002: Great Reserve partial cession, Royce Area 251
- R1420000: Six Mile Reserve
- R1390002: Ten Mile Reserve partial cession 2
- R1340000: Seek's Village Reserve
- R1300000: Flat Rock Reserve
- R0810000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #7
- R0820000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #8
- R0830000: Francis Godfroy Reserve #9
- R0970000: Francis Godfroy #23
March 7, 1788
1818 Treaty at St. Mary's
October 6, 1818
Articles of a treaty made and concluded, at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, Commissioners of the United States, and the Miame nation of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami nation of Indians cede to the United States the following tract of country: Beginning at the Wabash river, where the present Indian boundary line crosses the same, near the mouth of Raccoon creek; thence, up the Wabash river, to the reserve at its head, near Fort Wayne; ...
1826 Treaty at the Mississinewa
October 23, 1826
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1826. Oct. 23, 1826. | 7 Stat., 300. | Proclamation, Jan. 24, 1827. Articles of a treaty made and concluded, near the mouth of the Mississinewa, upon the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, this twenty-third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, between Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Miami Tribe of Indians. ARTICLE 1. The Miami Tr...
1834 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
October 23, 1834
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1834. Oct. 23, 1834. | 7 Stat., 458. | 7 Stat., 463. | Proclamation, Dec. 22, 1837. Articles of a treaty between the United States and the Miami tribe of Indians, concluded at the Forks of the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, on the 23d day of October, 1834, by and between William Marshall, commissioner of the United States, and the chiefs and warriors of said tribe. ARTICLE 1. The Miami tribe of Indians agree to cede to the United States the following described t...
1838 Treaty at the Forks of the Wabash
November 6, 1838
TREATY WITH THE MIAMI, 1838. Nov. 6, 1838. | 7 Stat., 569. | Proclamation, Feb. 8, 1839. Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Forks of the Wabash in the State of Indiana, between the United States of America, by her Commissioner Abel C. Pepper, and the Miami tribe of Indians on the sixth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. ARTICLE 1. The Miami tribe of Indians hereby cede to the United States all that tract of land lying south of the Waba...
May 1, 1840