
Form Source Language Translation
wi·kwa·ne·wa Goddard & Thomason 2014 Meskwaki he pays attention to him
wí·nkan O'Meara 1996 Munsee it tastes good
wi·nε·mεhkwan Bloomfield 1975 Menominee squash
wi·sakišinwa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he falls and hurts himself
wi·seniwa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he eats
wi·tapi·me·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he sits with him
wi·tapime·w Wolvengrey 2001 Cree he sits with him, stays with him
wi·te·me·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki he accompanies him
wí·te·w O'Meara 1996 Munsee he goes along, accompanies
wi·teko·wa Goddard & Thomason (2014) Meskwaki owl (generic)
wī‘sa‘ Michelson (1916) Miami-Illinois many, much
wi·taski·w Wolvengrey 2001 Cree he makes peace
wíhkwe·k O'Meara 1996 Munsee the end of something
wihθakaapo Voegelin (1938-1940) Shawnee bitter liquid
wihθeni Voegelin 1938-1940 Shawnee he eats